Friday, January 1, 2010

What a Great Start to the New Year!!!

Good morning everyone! Kiki here, and am I excited this morning. As I was telling Kristin last night, I didn't think I would last until midnight and I didn't. It's getting harder and harder to burn the midnight oil, but I really wanted to stay up. To watch the ball drop? Heck no! To get the scoop on SSD's new Scrapper's Portfolio Challenges, that's what!! They have totally rocked the challenge world with their new portfolio and I for one cannot wait to get started! You have to check it out and join me in the January challenges.

Now, of course most people think of New Year, New Resolutions. I'm not really one to resolve to do anything over the period of a year. I'm too attention-deficit for that. Hey, at least I admit it. But I am going to try and accomplish a couple projects this year. What about you? I'm going to try and get a completed Book of Me done and printed. I'm also going to make a point of scrapping our everyday lives here in a way that documents the coming year. Tell me what you are planning to do as a project? Project 365 maybe? Maybe project 52 is enough for you? How about an Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life? Book of Me?

Well, can't wait to get started on those challenges that they posted at the SSD forum, so I'm off. You know I'll be doing lots of those challenges with Kristin's goodies. I adore her style and the flexibility of her kits. Hope to see you posting your challenges, and can't wait to read the comments to see what kinds of projects you will all be doing this year. Maybe you'll inspire me to take on one more project.

In the meantime, here's some of the latest eye candy from Kristin's team that might inspire you.

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